Zoom Meetings!

Good Afternoon!

I will be emailing everyone directions on how to use Zoom for our weekly meetings. Zoom is a great way for all of us to see and talk to each other. Many of you, especially some of the 2nd graders have already used it. Yay! Zoom can be accessed through the KPBSD website or you can download the program onto your phone or tablet.

Mondays will be set days. So we are not all on at once. I have set up 2nd graders at 9am and 3rd graders at 10am. They will be recorded so if you are not able to meet at those times, you can watch the recordings later.

I would also like to meet up with students individually. Please email me times that work for you.

Looking forward to see all of your faces again soon!!!

Ms. Rachel


  1. lisa Said,

    March 24, 2020 @ 6:47 pm

    Mondays at 10am work for Jace– I will be working from home this day— so I will have some sort of device to use for him~

    Lisa Nordstrom

  2. e13197 Said,

    March 26, 2020 @ 5:19 pm


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